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Screening at 1st Jozi Film Festival

Africa Shafted shown to a full house at The Biscope on the 11 February 2012 with the filmmaker in attendance.

AFRICA SHAFTED UNDER ONE ROOF DOCUMENTARY (FEATURE) Sat, Feb 11, 11:00 to 12:00 The Bioscope Theatre AFRICA SHAFTED UNDER ONE ROOF (South Africa, 2011, 56 minutes)

Director: Ingrid MartensQ&A with filmmaker will follow screening A poignant, humorous, and uplifting documentary filmed in Africa's tallest residential building located downtown Johannesburg, South Africa, that housed more than 4000 people. It gives you an honest glimpse at the tragic reality of xenophobia through the eyes of people from every corner of Africa living under one roof. It also conveys a powerful message that through dialogue and understanding, respect starts to take root. This film reveals the courage, heart, hope, beauty and stories of daily struggles of Africans from the rest of the continent living in South Africa today. It has a universal message, while it gets to the heart of life in South Africa and the African condition.

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